Frantisek: “We believe that each wine should be original. The wine should tell the story of where it came from, what the vintage was and how well it ages.”
David: “Our wine begins in the vineyard. We understand winemaking because we understand our vineyards. And we continuously learn from them. This is a never ending cycle and we are never ending students.”
Harvest – still Frantisek’s favorite job.
But it is also a hard work. Each grape is hand-picked and placed into buckets, then carried to a collection trailer. Smaller batches are collected into bins only. Always in the early hours of the morning to ensure that the grapes remain cool which prevents premature fermentation processes.
David: “After a short transport, the grapes go immediately through a de-stemming and crushing process. From there, the process differs per grape varietal, primarily depending on whether they are white or black.”
Frantisek: “We ferment all lots by clone and vineyard location individually in stainless steel vats under controlled conditions. Relying on indigenous yeast for some of our red wines and by applying careful cap management techniques, weeks long fermentation process allows the skin of the grape to release all its hidden gems (such as complex color and flavor compounds, flavonoids, antioxidants).”
David: “We produce relatively small batches of each clone (some even in less than 1,000 bottles per batch). It is because we want each wine to tell its own story, and develop the story overtime as the wine ages. Some years, 2020 including, are tough: they may start very promising but then turn into rainy weeks back-to-back to the point that you may even end up with a tractor stuck in the mud. True story!”
Frantisek: “But we remember that year when we enjoy the mature wine it brought us. Even the worst vintages may in the end become the best wines. We look for the best in each wine. Based on the vintage, we may decide to age our white wines as well as the red ones.”
Wine-making is a beautiful fulfilling process with an interesting product at the end. But it is such a long-term process. How long does it take to enjoy a glass of virgin wine from a new vineyard? At minimum 5 years (if we want to make the farming right and if it is enjoyed as a young white wine).
We learned to put our head down and keep plugging at it. And at the end of the day, we reward ourselves with a glass of beautifully balanced, refreshing and clean wine. And nothing makes us more happy than the “hm, hm, hm” reactions from those who enjoy the bottle with us.
Join us on our journey. Find your happy wine at Spevak winery.

Contact us anytime, we will be happy to help you find your wine. Deliveries by mail, pick up or drop off (depending on the volume).
Contact information:
Vinarstvi Spevak
Horni hut 1485
696 03 Dubnany
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 774 446 079
Wine tasting – by appointment
We can help you on two continents: Europe and America.
We have a direct distribution in Massachusetts, USA through Wills International.
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